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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro "All Categories" – Pagination links wrong


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  • Greg Smuk

    Using PRO 2.1.2

    Hi when I land on my page I see “All Categories” on the dropdown.

    When I click next page the URL is wrong it includes “All Categories” in the URL which is wrong as obviously that isn’t a real category!

    Is gives me:

    It should give (and this is the link that appears when I hover over the page 2 button)

    So somewhere between clicking the link and the pag eloading “_sft_case_study_cat=ALL%20CATEGORIES” gets added.

    How can I fix this?


    Ross Moderator

    Very Odd

    If you inspect the categories field, and check teh value of the option with the label All Categories, what is the value?

    By default, whenever you have the default All .... on any field, the value is blank.

    It sounds like its possible that in your setup the value is not blank?


    Greg Smuk
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Really really strange.

    It soudned like you might be using a filter to modify the field, but that looks correct to me.

    For some reason, when the form is submitted, the html content is being used, rather than the val() in jQuery.

    This is basically impossible so there must be something else going on.

    I would perhaps suggest there is a JS conflict or something is modifying the behaviour somehow.

    The HTML you pasted above, was this from “view source” or using an inspector like firebug?

    If it was the former, can you try with firebug, so we can see if any JS has altered the fields after they have been displayed?


    Greg Smuk
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Greg Smuk
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Greg Smuk

    I turned off AJAX and it now works so it’s something in the AJAX side of things, is there anything you can think of as it’s ok for now but we would really like to use AJAX!

    Ross Moderator

    To be honest greg I cannot imagine what would cause that, certainly not S&F directly, but probably there is a conflict somewhere.

    I would disable all other plugins and test, and see if the issue still occurs.

    What I think, because its a JS issue, is that its probably more likely a conflict with your theme – so I’d certainly trying switching that.

    Apart from that, the only other thing it could be is that you are somehow incorrectly using the Input Object Filter and setting the value rather than the label:

    Let me know if you get to test the above.


    Greg Smuk
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
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