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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Types 1.9 Breaks S&F Admin

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  • Christopher Bessler

    Just a heads up, as soon as I updated to Types 1.9 I started receiving 500 errors when trying to access the “Edit Search Form” in the admin. After reverting to 1.8.11 I was able to access the page again.

    Ross Moderator

    Oh wow, thanks for hte heads up, will get testing immediately.


    Christopher Bessler

    Thanks for the great plugin and dedicated support.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Christopher

    I tested with latest version of Types (1.9) and am not getting any errors at all in teh admin.

    Any chance you can upgrade again, with WP_DEBUG enabled, and tell me what the error messages are?


    Christopher Bessler

    Hi Ross,
    I’ll see what I can debug out of this.

    Christopher Bessler

    Hi Ross,
    here is what debug gives me:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare recurse() (previously declared in /var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 54

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Christopher

    I have a fix for this out in the next update.


    Christopher Bessler

    Thanks Ross.

    Christopher Bessler

    Any ETA for the update with this fix?

    Christopher Bessler

    Hi Guys,
    checking back into this. I haven’t seen a fix come out for this yet. Can you please provide me a patch of some sort?


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