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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sort search results by Categories

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Alex Lash

    Working with this plugin has been a wonderful process—thanks! Is there any way to sort search results by Categories?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Alex, thanks for the kind words. What do you mean exactly? Have you tried the “sort order” field? 🙂

    Alex Lash

    Hi Ross, yep, I’m using the Sort Order field. It seems to allow you to sort your items by date, title, etc, but I’m wondering if I can sort my results by category in alpha-order. So Categories would be in alpha order and their results would be Alpha order. Below would be a good example. (ultimately, I’d like to nest results within their categories)

    Category A
    – Result A-a
    – Result A-b
    – Result A-c
    Category B
    – Result B-a
    – Result B-b
    – Result B-c

    Does that make sense? I noticed that there are a few other options, like by Author or Custom Field, but I didn’t see a category option.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Alex sounds like a good idea, if you want to leave it over the feature requests forum then I’ll stick it on my todo list!


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