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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro AJAX update not working both ways

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  • Filip van Hoeckel

    On we filter projects using taxonomies. When selecting a Thema the list of results gets updated accordingly. When deselecting the Thema (to show all of them) the conditional list of subresults shows properly, but the results do not reflect that.

    Example: if I choose ‘Bedrijvige Stad’ one result is shown, and the taxonomy list reflects the choice made. WHen I deselect ‘Bedrijvige Stad’ one result is still shown, but the list of taxonomies is visible again.

    If I select taxonomies, then refresh the page I _do get to show the correct filter result. This leads me to believe there’s an issue with the AJAX implementation. Please advise, thanks.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    Its because you haven’t updated your results container (in the display results tab)- yours is set to #main but it doesn’t exist on the page.

    This is what S&F needs to it knows which area of the page to update with the new results.

    Really you should add an ID to the results area and use that

    However, looking at your site, I think you *could* just use #sidebar + .pure-u-3-4.pure-g-r without any modification


    Filip van Hoeckel

    Thanks, not sure how I could have missed that. Working now.

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