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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro AJAX Pagination without Search Form UI?

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  • Drew Rawitz

    Hi Ross,

    I was wondering if there was an way to take advantage of the ajax pagination that this plugin offers, without having to add a search form UI element. For this one particular instance, I don’t have anything to filter or search by, it’s just a list of results with pagination.

    As soon as I add a search field and add the following:

    [searchandfilter id=”115″]
    [searchandfilter id=”115″ show=”results”]

    Then it begins working, and the pagination works great. But as soon as I take out the first shortcode, and only show results, the pagination no longer works and it loads a new page each time.

    Is this possible at all, or no?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Drew

    This will be coming into an update in not too long. The best thing you can do is hide the search form with CSS where you no longer need it visually.

    One of the next big things I’m working on is the ability to place any element from the search form anywhere on a page using a shortcode.

    When I integrate this functionality, there will be a little rewrite here, and what will happen is S&F scripts will be run & initialised when the presence of any S&F element is on the page – this I’m thinking will include the results shortcode, on its own.


    Drew Rawitz

    Hey Ross,

    Great, I’ll make sure to keep my eyes open for the next update. Thanks for your response.


    I swear I read a few days ago that this was now possible, but now I can’t find it in the update notes!??

    Wasn’t there something there about pasting some code directly before your navigation? Maybe I dreamt it!

    Ross Moderator

    There is an action to do with pagination however that still won’t allow the regular JS for S&F to be loaded, because it looks for a .searchandfilter which you just won’t ever find in the code with results & pagination only :/

    Something definitely on the to do list.


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