Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Loading Message

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  • Anonymous


    I’m displaying the search results in a page with shortcode.
    I have 2 questions:
    1. Is there a way to show a “Loading” message to users while redirecting to the search results page?
    2. Reset button works, but, when using Ajax, after reset the search doesn’t work at first time (only on second try). Do you know why?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey there

    If you check the first question in the FAQs you will see some JavaScript events that will allow you to show / hide things when results are being loaded – you can add your own custom loaders here:



    Thanks for the quich reply!
    This will probably only work if I’ll use Ajax – but then I’ll have the problem with the reset button 🙁

    Ross Moderator

    Ah yesss so the reset button.

    What happens when you submit the form multiple times, does this also stop working?

    The reset button basically clears the form, and then submits it.



    didn’t notice it. Same problem with Ajax and multiple search submits (usualy after 2 times).

    Ross Moderator

    The issue is that your Search Form itself, is contained within your ajax “results container” selector (an option under “display results” tab).

    Change your results selector, to be something which only includes your results list and you should be good to go 🙂


    Thanks. Works great!

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