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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search: Returns only Posts with ANY VALUE inside a specific Taxonomy Field

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  • Davi de Assis

    I’m using ACF, with Brazilian Portuguese language and I have a Taxonomy Field related to a specific Region of my Country… so Cities and States are always being inserted in that field… the list is always being updated.


    Pacific States = Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii

    I need to create a Search/Results Form that lists posts with (any) values from that Taxonomy Field.


    Return only Posts with any City/State in Pacific States taxonomy.

    Right now the plugin doesn’t allows to auto-select everything from a specific Taxonomy (Pacific State), only multiples IDs from that taxonomy (1,2,3,4,5,6 inside Pacific State taxonomy) inserted manually.

    There’s any way to solve this? I tried to specify the same Custom Meta field with multiple recurring values with “exists” (a, e, i, o, u that’s always present in Brazilian Portuguese words) in the “Post Meta” tab… but doesn’t works. :/

    If not… I suggest to allow us to select a specific a whole Taxonomy instead of only the Taxonomy values in future updates, ’cause it’s very useful for Taxonomy types always being updated.


    PS: Sorry for my bad English, I tried my best to explain my situation! :/

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Davi

    Sorry for the delay I’ll be in touch tomorrow.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Davi

    Ok so I’m a little confused.

    Advanced custom fields plugin only allows for creating custom fields using post meta.

    You are talking about taxonomies – this is not created by ACF.

    So, I’m going to assume, these “taxonomies” are in fact regular custom fields.

    If you want S&F to show only posts where a custom field exists – this is already possible – head to the post meta tab in the general box, find your custom field / meta key, and choose the compare option exists.

    It is not possible to do this with taxonomies.


    Davi de Assis

    Sorry about the confusion. What I need is to select ALL terms inside a Taxonomy automatically instead of select the IDs by myself, ’cause it’s a taxonomy with new terms being included everyday.

    Right now the plugin allows me to insert specific terms with the “Search > Select All” only, but it’s annoying save the form and recreate the cache every time the site is updated, specially for my client.

    See “Região Sudeste”:

    The plugins just needs an option to select the whole Taxonomy with all (current and future) terms with the single ID selection.

    Ross Moderator

    Ah so you mean hierarchical? So, when you select an ID, it includes all its children permanently?


    Davi de Assis

    This would be great… but tn fact I’m talking about select the entire Taxonomy with any current or future value inside.

    For example: Instead of select manually each car model ID inside “Car Models” taxonomy… I mark the Taxonomy “Car Models” and all values/IDs will be automatically included in the search without I need to include the new ones by myself using the “Search > Load > Select All > Okay”.

    Right now I can select all IDs at once… but is not useful if the taxonomy is updated in daily bases, ’cause me or my client need to open the search form, select the new added IDs and rebuild the cache.

    Got it? 😀

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Davi

    I thiiiinkkk sooo..

    But this sounds like default behavior (unless I’m getting really confused)…

    You shouldn’t need to “include” anything, if you leave the field blank, by default all from that taxonomy are included.

    The include option is only for restricting, if you want all then just empty the field?

    I hope I’m not missing your point here…. :/


    Davi de Assis

    I open the form, go to the Tags, Categories & Taxonomies tab, select the taxonomy I want, select “include” and I include all the “Comma Seperated IDs” from the taxonomy manually.


    If I don’t do that or even If select “exclude” for all other taxonomies and don’t fill the fields with the IDs… the form loads ALL results together at once.

    So what I need is to include only ONE Taxonomy in that form with any current or future term being loaded automatically. Maybe if the plugin could accept the “include” and “exclude” options to manage the whole content from each taxonomy group without any manually ID inserted, that would be great!

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