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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro hide results


Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • pedro sierra

    Hello. I want the results of the categories are not displayed until you do the filtering. I could not configure the plugin to get to do this. You can tell me how?
    this is the link to the page where you should not show results until seeping categories .
    Thank you for your help

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Pedro

    This is not a feature of the plugin however there are some ways.

    First, you can create a seperate page, with no results, and add the shortocde/widget to the page.

    When a user interacts, they will then be redirected to the search page with all the results.

    Second, if you know a little about WP templates, you can make this modification to the search template.

    So you can use the active query class ( to see if there are any selections in your fields, and if not you can display a different message / prevent loading of the results.


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