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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Select the first field to activate the second

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  • pecnet


    I try to make this type of action with your script, I like to know if it’s possible?

    We must choose the first fields to activate the second example the first field I chose the brand, and I chose the second year and the last model

    it’s possible?

    Thank you

    Ross Moderator

    Hey there

    Not exactly but something similar.

    If you enable “auto count” you should get a similar effect.

    If you take a look at the movie demo:

    And select “Film Certificate” -> “G”

    You will notice the “Genres” list is auto update – this is what “auto count” does 🙂



    ok I saw your demo
    when I chose G Certificate in Film
    rating in the field it just displays the correct values.

    In my example I activate Auto Count, that makes the effect so it’s ok but I still see all the posibility, he does not selects the correct information

    Thank you

    Ross Moderator

    Do you have a link I could look at?


    possible via private message or email?
    I can not find how to send a private message

    Ross Moderator
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    I just took a look and it seems to be working ok.

    I enabled “show count” on all your fields so you can see how it is working.

    When you change selections, the count numbers (eg Automobile (2)) are updated to reflect the true value.

    If you wish to hide unavailable options, please also tick the option “hide empty” in each field.




    it is perfect now!

    your plugins and very well, I’m happy to do a good deal 🙂

    thank you
    good luck for the future

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