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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom Page Titles / Meta Descriptions

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  • John Mattar

    Hello, I have V 2.0.3 Is there a way to have S+F Pro add in page titles/meta descriptions based on what the user selects in the search fields?

    Say for instance 1 user selects –

    “Dog Breed” = Pug


    “Product Type” = Figurines

    Search and filter would replace the default “View All Products” with “Pug Figurines”

    So, somewhere within S+F you would need to be able to add text for each dropdown value that S+F would use to insert in the page title …

    Is something like this possible or currently available?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey John

    I want to add this in natively to the plugin, however that is a little way away yet.

    However, it is still possible provided you are happy manipulating search data and wordpress filters for things like page title.

    This class will allow you to retrieve all the data you need:

    Which means you can insert this into your page titles dynamically. I think you will need to use the WP Filter to modify page title though – wp_title (if you are using the YOAST plugin, it might be wpseo_title)


    John Mattar

    Awesome, thank you for this info, your support and plugin both rock!

    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    John Mattar

    No problem, will do that now!

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