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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dropdown Category to use

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Gianfranco

    Hi! I have purchased Search and Filter Pro plugin.

    I need to create a Dropdown to display some Category as filter.

    But on my site I have a lot of categories, so entering every id to exclude related category is quite uncomfortable 🙂

    Can I define only the category ID to use?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey gianfranco, yeah you can only exclude by category ids, comma seperated.

    What would you think is a better way to do this – maybe I can look to improve this area?


    I think it’s better to have also an input field where enter only the categories to use (as an alternative to the field with the categories to exclude) beacause if I will add new categories to be excluded I would not be forced to add them to existing search form.

    (I hope I explained, sorry for my bad english)

    Ross Moderator

    Hey gianfranco, thats a great idea and actually not too difficult to implement 🙂 I’ll add it to my to do list!


    Hi, any news about selecting only category to use?
    My website has REALLY a lot of categories, so it would be really useful 🙂


    I see in the changelog (1.4.3 / 30th April 2015) you say there is the include/exclude taxonomy.
    Can you confirm this is what we asked on July 29, 2014?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gianfranco

    I believe so! You can include/exclude tags categories and taxonomies via the settings panel (make sure you updated to the latest version)

    Let me know!


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