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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter results in same page

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  • Kambiz Naraghi

    Hello There,

    I bought S&F yesterday and start to use it but I have a few problem that I need help.

    1) how can I have filter results in same page, like your movie page? for eg. in movie page everything happen in same page. but in mine results show in new page.

    2) how can I change fonts, color and style in widget?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey there

    To change styles etc you need to use CSS:

    To make everything load in the same page head to the tab Display Results.

    Then for the display method I used Archive (instructions here).

    Then I also unticked Only use Ajax on the results page?


    Kambiz Naraghi

    Hi Mr. Ross,

    thanks for response, as I think because I’m beginner in WP, I couldn’t fix the problem,

    I used Archive for Display method but it doesn’t work.
    first the all I want to use this plugin for filtering my portfolios, how can I have all portfolios thumbnails with plugin widget in a page? (like your movie demo). your movies are portfolio? here is the page: “”

    Second is when I use custom temp for result, I dont have any result. when I untick custom temp, I have result but again in another page.
    I use this theme:”
    I like to have result in a page with sidebar and I copied all info in sidebar page PHP to a search-filter.php , checked for WP_Query,get_postsorquery_posts` and then used it as custom temp, but nothing happened.

    May I have access to admin page of the movie demo? and use is as a reference?

    Thanks in advance,

    Kambiz Naraghi
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    Ross Moderator
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    Kambiz Naraghi
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    Ross Moderator
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    Kambiz Naraghi
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    Kambiz Naraghi
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    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    Ok, so if I remember correctly, the search results was working correctly, but you couldn’t put the search form on the same page?

    As I mention above, all you need to do is edit search2.php and add the shortcode echo do_shortcode("[searchandfilter id="xx"]");


    Threre are big differences in the way you display Archive and shortcode:

    So the choice is really up to you.

    If you do choose the shortcode method, then customising this template is really upto you (as described at the above link). This is because peoples themes can be very different – so will likely require some custom solution.

    Creating a template/layout for S&F is the same as creating a template for a WordPress page – I’ve provided some suggestions before:

    Hope that helps.


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