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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Combo box – auto submits before you have finished typing

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  • Vikki


    I am using a multi-select combo box with auto submit.

    When I start typing inside the combo box the form submits as soon as I type 1 character.

    For example if I was searching for Villas – as soon as I type V the form submits.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Vikki

    Please update to the latest S&F released just today (2.0.3) and let me know if this resolves your issues?

    If not, could you provide me with a link?



    Thanks Ross the update has fixed it.




    Sorry, I just noticed a small little bug.

    If I search for any of the following letters n, b, s or p – the dropdown names will have a  after them.

    For example

    Search for B – results in dropdown:

    Costa Rica 

    Search for A – results in dropdown are fine:

    Costa Rica


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