Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro pre search form

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  • Anonymous

    Here’s what I need

    Im gonna make a “pre search form” in the home page, with only 1 or 2 field to filter.
    ONce they click on “search” it goes to the “search and result” page BUT I need here to put ANOTHER search form with more fields (the complete one) and all the filter from this “complete” search form has to apply to the same result display (on same page)

    How do I do this? when I create 2 search forms, the shortcode for display results are diferents. And if I only create 1 I don’t know how to hide all fields but just 1 or 2 and also I need to make diferent styles from the “pre search form” on the home that the “complete” search form on the search & result page.

    Help please! thanks.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Cristian

    Combining two search forms is not officially supported but….

    There is a way I have figured out.

    1) Create your full/advanced search form, and create the results page.

    2) Create a new search form, that will be smaller/basic. Then, under the “display results” tab make sure you choose “with shortcode” and then set the Results URL, to the URL with the results of the first search form.

    Also, please update to v2.0.3 (just released) as there are some fixes for when having multiple search forms.


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