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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Split: Taxonomy Filters disappear on AJAX submit

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Domen Rode

    Hey, I believe I’m having the exact same problem. I have a taxonomy appended to products, and Ajax erases it.

    I also have a second, problem, should I open a new ticket for it? In short, “Tags, Categories & Taxonomies” doesn’t save whatever I put in. I’m trying to exclude some things and when I hit update it loads all the fields empty.

    Thank you in advance for assisting.

    Ross Moderator

    Are you running v2.0.2?


    Domen Rode

    Yes, I am.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    Can you provide a link in a private reply?


    Domen Rode
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Domen Rode
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Domen

    Please update to version 2.0.2 and I think your issue will be resolved 🙂


    Domen Rode

    Yep, updating seems to have fixed it. Thanks a lot 🙂

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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