Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro anchor tags and jquery scrollTop stopped working

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  • Anonymous

    Good Day.
    i’m finding this issue with my site after i upgraded my plugin, where i have anchor tag set up with jquery function scrollTop on a couple of pages on my site. This function is no longer running correctly and just pushes the page to the top of the browser. This was working correctly before.

    I deactivated plugins to see were the problem was coming from. When I deactivated search & filter, the problem/issue stopped.

    I have running:
    Search & Filter Pro Version: 2.5.4
    WP Version: 5.6.1

    is there something I can do to get this back to normal? is this a known bug or am I just special?

    Appreciate your help.


    Hi Ken

    Before I reply, can I ask if you saw that we have a new support ticket system, which you would find here:

    I was wondering if you tried that, and whether you had any difficulty with it?

    These support forums will be closing to new tickets on the 8th February 2021 (that’s after this weekend) – existing tickets will be closed after a month.

    Did you also upgrade WordPress around the same time? I ask because WordPress (and therefore our plugin) now uses jQuery 3.5.1, whereas before it was using jQuery 1.12.4

    The two versions of jQuery are not always compatible, and so code that worked with one may not work with the other.


    Hi Trevor,
    Sorry I honestly cant remember where I filled out this ticket.
    We did update WP at some point, it automatically does it for out site.
    It is running jquery 3.5.1
    I’ll look into updating the jquery code and see if that works.
    As always thanks for the help


    OK. I will wait to hear from you.


    Hi Trevor
    I looked into this, and all my other jquery code is working, it seems to be just the
    $(‘html, body’).animate({
    function that is wonky. It’s not on the page with the Search& Filter form, but through out the site. any where I have an anchor tag that links to another section on that page.
    I’m stumped, and cant figure another way to scroll to the link.

    any help will be appreciated
    if you need access to the site I can give you log in rights.
    let me know.


    I don’t have a script to do that, I use this plugin:


    wow, Trevor. thank you for that plugin.
    appreciate the help.
    hope the interface switch goes well,
    good luck


    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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