Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Taxomomies unticking

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  • Anonymous

    I have 3 filters running all as taxonomies, when I apply the first filter and then apply a second the first filter unticks itself


    Infact checking it appears that it only allows one filter selection at a time as ticking one filter unticks previous


    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?


    HI Trevor
    Did you manage to see why they are unticking?

    This reply has been marked as private.

    OK. The major issue I see with the form is that you have used the same taxonomy three times in the form, and this is not allowed. It causes the fields to conflict with each other (and have effects such as those you see).

    You need to separate out groups of terms into separate custom taxonomies. In general, you can use a particular Taxonomy, such as Tags, (or Category, each Custom Taxonomy and each Custom Field) only once in the form. This post tries to explain this a bit better (you can use a plugin to switch category terms from category to any new taxonomy that you make, so it is not so hard to do). It is a really awful preachy lecture I wrote:

    Sorry about the tone, but the message is right and it links to good plugins (except taxonomy switcher I think). It is most important that you change any child terms into parents before moving them (you will not need the parent terms, as they become their own taxonomy).


    That makes perfect sense and thank you – sorry for the chase earlier 🙂


    Is it OK to close this thread for now? Or let me know when you have fixed it?


    Thread can be shut down, thank you

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