Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search bar works on computer but not on phone

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  • Anonymous


    The search bar I have set up works great on my PC! When I test this on my phone I end up on the homepage instead of my archive. Where is the error here?
    The link to my website is:



    As you are using Elementor Pro, and you should be using our extension for Elementor Pro, which can be installed after clicking the big blue button (you need to be logged in to see it) at the top of the guide page (to download the installation file):

    I assume you are not using this extension, as the form is using the Custom display method (which our old implementation method used to use, along with some JavaScript which is not now required)

    In the main, this works with another custom skin plugin (Ele Custom Skins), as that plugin sill uses the Posts widget, but adds extra skins that you design.

    Doing the pagination from code is unlikely to work though.


    Thanks for the message. Let me explain exactly what I do. I make a loop with ele custom skin. Then I create an archive / search result page. I link this to display results method: elementor post / portfolio / product. Below I enter the url of my archive page. It works fine on my desktop. On the phone it keeps sending me back to the home page. Where am I making the mistake?

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