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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter Problems

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  • Björn Maurer

    Hello dear support

    I have had very good experiences with your tool so far! Likewise with this support forum, even if I have never written anything, but only read. Super job you do!

    Now to my problem: I can style my filter bar very difficult. At the moment it looks like this:

    I would like to have it with a dropdown menu, and nicely aligned to the layout. (The fields next to each other and centered.) Can you help me there?

    I also have another problem:
    If I click on several fields, it can happen that some selected fields are deleted or I can’t click on a field. Best you try it yourself. What is the reason for this?

    Greetings and thanks in advance

    Trevor Moderator
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    Björn Maurer
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Björn Maurer
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    Trevor Moderator

    I think this may take me some time to answer in full, so I may have to delay my reply until late tomorrow or Saturday. One thing I think you are asking for is to make the field title an accordion type effect, where you click it and the options appear below, yes?

    This option will come in V3 in a few months.

    For the issue of unusual behaviour, can you make a video of this and upload it to a video or file sharing site so I can view it and see what you are doing when it happens? I wonder if this is auto Count happening (when you make a selection, the form is locked whilst the count numbers are updated, and, if you have told the form that any empty options in the fields should then be deleted, it will do this also whilst the form is locked. For slow sites, it can seem that the form has stopped working.

    Björn Maurer

    Hey Trevor

    Thanks a lot for your time! I’m looking forward to seeing the results.

    I have uploaded the video here:
    Recorded with the Mac (that’s why it’s a. mov), since I don’t know which operating system you’re working with, also a .mp4 is uploaded.

    In addition, I noticed something again. If I now work with the custom layout and fill out the search form, the photos of the posts are gone. Why is that? So that they show up again, the page must be updated again. (f5)

    You can also see this on the video. Here again the link to the page:

    Kind regards and many thanks

    Björn Maurer
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
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    Björn Maurer

    Hey Trevor

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Ah so it makes sense… I assume there is no workaround to still use the two tags at the same time or? If no, we should either delete one part or combine both into one.

    Exactly, that would be awesome if the search function looked like your screenshot!

    Regarding the bug I tried to explain, I uploaded a video again:–_pIH?usp=sharing
    As you can see, the blog images disappear as soon as something is selected in the filter function. If the page is now refreshed, the images are there again. What is the trigger for this behavior?

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