Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Empty Custom Fields break filters

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  • Anonymous

    My apologies if this has been asked before. I didn’t see anything when I searched the forums.

    I know that you have to have some content in a custom field for it to show up in the filter options. Is there any chance this will ever change?

    I built a site template with several filters and custom fields that I planned to clone for other people. However I can’t really do that without adding in content because the filters break. I thought once the fields had been registered I could delete the dummy content I had on the site but when I did all the filters broke and I had to re enter more content that filled those fields.

    I guess for now I’ll just put in dummy content into the template but I know people are going to delete that content and break the filters.

    Generally speaking I love the plugin but this is really an annoying quirk.


    I am not sure if it will change. I have referred your question to the plugin developer, Ross, for his input.


    I sure hope there’s a way to remedy this. I get that probably not all that many people are doing something as complex as I am or creating clones but it’s really annoying even if you just delete one piece of content that leaves a custom field empty. I can’t be the only one who has run into that problem.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Evan

    Do you mean in the admin, where you choose the meta key, but if no content is associated, the meta key simply does not appear?

    There is no way to improve this for native WP post meta (as a key doesn’t exist until used / created) however for the ACF plugin, we are adding better support (so we will list their fields as options) regarless if they have yet been in use.

    I hope that makes sense


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