Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Adding the Post Title to Search Results and Thumbnail Question

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  • Anonymous

    Hi guys,

    I’m just getting started with converting my site to use S&F Pro. But, I have a few questions:

    1) The normal search function has the post title built into the results:

    But, S&F Pro is not displaying the post title:

    How do we get the title to show? I have added a few custom CSS’s, so I’ve attached them as a text document incase something is conflicting with this from happening:

    2) Is it possible to make the post title display in blue and when highlighted turn orange with an underline added? In essence, the same as this:

    3) Can the thumbnail image be replaced by the full size “featured image”?

    Thanks for the help!


    After reviewing the CSS I’ve added. I believe this is the only part that could be conflicting:

    body:not(.search-results) .entry-header, body:not(.search-results) .entry-header, body:not(.search-results) .entry-categories, body:not(.search-results) .entry-categories {
    display: none;


    It is likely that your theme might be using a different template for these two pages. You can tell what template is being (for traditional themes) using a plugin named Show Current Template.

    So, what theme are you using?
    Are you using a page builder plugins?
    Can you make a screenshot of form setup, just the Display Results settings tab (down to but not including the Pagination section)?


    Hi Trevor,

    I am using the Vantage premium theme (child version enabled) by SiteOrigin:

    I am also using their page builder plugin:

    Here are the setting I have:



    Ah, OK. Are you able to give me sight of that search.php template file? You could upload the file to a file sharing site, or post it here – please post any code inside code ticks (one before the code, one after)? On my UK Windows keyboard, the code tick key is next to the 1 key in the standard part of the keyboard. If you do this Google search and look at the images, they show various keyboards and where the key is located:

    This reply has been marked as private.

    OK, looking at that file, the only thing that can be done is to have a generic title, without the Search Terms in it. It can be quite complex to fetch what is being searched (whereas a theme search page has merely to repeat the string being searched, an s&f results page could have any combination of possible terms and terms types, and, to accurately output the title with terms, it would have to be inside the Ajax Container – the part of the page that has the actual results in – which is not coded in this actual search.php template file anyway).

    so, assuming a generic title will suffice, copy that file to the child theme folder, and rename it. Maybe:


    Edit it. Look for these lines (18-20):

    <?php if ( siteorigin_page_setting( 'page_title' ) ) : ?>
    	<h1 id="page-title"><?php printf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'vantage' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ); ?></h1>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Replace those with this:

    <h1 id="page-title">YOUR GENERIC PAGE TITLE HERE</h1>

    And then, in the form, on the Display Results settings tab, change the file template being used to this one.


    By generic title, what do you mean exactly?

    The same title for every post? Even though each post is unique in its content.

    Or: A black text title that uses the actual title of the post, like this:


    Never mind the above, I understand what your changes indicate: The provided instructions will allow me to replace the highlighted section in the below image with “YOUR GENERIC PAGE TITLE HERE”.


    That is not what I’m trying to accomplish. What I want to accomplish is this:

    The post title is not showing up in the S&F results. For example: “Into the Maze” by Rock Class 101 shows up in the regular search results:


    But it does not show in S&F. Only the excerpt and thumbnail is visible:


    How do we make the post titles appear in S&F? And is it possible to have them display as blue text, but when the mouse hovers over it, it becomes orange and underlined?


    Never mind the above, I understand what your changes indicate: The provided instructions will allow me to replace the highlighted section in the below image with “YOUR GENERIC PAGE TITLE HERE”.


    That is not what I’m trying to accomplish. What I want to accomplish is this:

    The post title is not showing up in the S&F results. For example: “Into the Maze” by Rock Class 101 shows up in the regular search results:


    But it does not show in S&F. Only the excerpt and thumbnail is visible:


    How do we make the post titles appear in S&F? And is it possible to have them display as blue text, but when the mouse hovers over it, it becomes orange and underlined?

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