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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post Meta not working

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  • Sarah Udot

    Hi, I’m having issues creating a new search form. While I’m not having any problems adding categories or the search field, the Post Meta isn’t working for me. For example, for my custom field “notification type” my page will display a message such as “field_5fe273512fdad” instead of the notification types. This is repeated for each Post Meta in my filter. My categories and search display perfectly fine on the same form.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Sarah

    For post meta, it looks like you are using ACF?

    For each custom field in ACF, it creates 3 post meta entries:


    You want the middle option, without the underscore – my_field_name

    Let me know if that makes sense and seems to be what’s happening in this scenario?


    Sarah Udot

    It worked. I could hug you. Thank you!!

    Ross Moderator


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