Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Get URL after Ajax request

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  • Anonymous

    Hi there!

    I’m not sure if you’ll be able to help me or not, but this is my issue. I need to be able to force my page to reload after a certain amount of time. Following is the code I have to do this.

    I have a meta tag to refresh the page:

    <meta id="refresh" http-equiv="Refresh" content="60; URL=">

    And then when the buttons are clicked for the filter I update the URL portion of the content attribute so that it will be the URL with the filtered values in it (i.e., This is the code I have to do that:

                    $(document).ready(function() {
                        $('.sf-input-radio').click(function() {
                            var currentURL = window.location.href;
                            var content = '60; URL=' + currentURL;
                            // document.getElementById("refresh").setAttribute("content", content);

    The problem is, it will only return the base URL and will never update it with the filter values. I believe this might be because I am calling this on the radio button click and so maybe the ajax request has not completed and actually updated the URL yet. Is there a way for me to set an action after the url is updated with ajax?

    Thank you for your help!!



    Are you looking to fetch the query string then? Whilst not really within the scope of our support, something as suggested by this stackoverflow page suggests:

    Or similar searches:

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