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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Media search doesn’t work

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  • romy arden


    I’m trying to search images (media) but even with no filter, no media is found.
    Help please


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    romy arden


    I got it fixed (guessing there was a plugins conflict), but, I do have a problem using the media search (media post type) with Elementor’s portfolio or posts widgets:
    I guess the problem is that they look for the featured image of the posts, but uploaded media (post type) has no featured image, so the images are blank (only the info appears: title, excerpt exc.)

    Is there a solution for this?

    Trevor Moderator

    You might need to use a layout/skin customizer for the Elementor Posts widget.

    This guide mentions Anywhere Elementor:

    And this is about Dynamic Content:

    Ele Custom Skins we do not officially support yet (free and Pro versions), so some features might not work, but, in the main, it seems to work with our plugin.

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