Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Cache won’t rebuild – stuck on Restarting


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  • Anonymous

    I’ve made a lot of changes to post types and taxonomies etc (including shifting categories to taxonomies) on the staging server version of my site. Now my cache won’t rebuild. It just says:

    Changes have been made which require the cache to be rebuilt.
    Please wait a moment…

    But never seems to do the rebuild. What steps do I need to take please to get it going?


    I am not sure what the problem would be. Something on the server must be stopping it.

    What do you have these settings at:

    You may need to make sure it is set to ‘slow’ and background processes ‘OFF’, and try rebuilding again.


    Thanks – turning the background processes off and running it again unplugged the blockage and the cache has rebuilt itself manually.

    I’ve turned background processes back on in Settings and I’ve also tested adding a taxonomy item to a post and it did show up in the search count – so I think it’s ok…

    However I still see the Restarting… message persistently when I click Rebuild Cache suggesting the background process is still a bit blocked, so not completely sure I’m out of the woods. Perhaps it’s because it’s the staging site (the live site works fine) so I’ll keep an eye on it and get back to you if it’s still a problem when it goes live.

    Many thanks


    OK. I am pretty sure it will be a server resources thing, which switching that setting off helps with.

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