Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Carroussel post

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  • Anonymous


    I’d like to use the search bar with a carrousel post. Do you have any recommandation for a plugin i could use and how?




    I do not have any specific methods or plugins that come to mind, sorry. Does your theme, or any page builder you may be using, have such a feature?


    Thanks for your answer.

    Well, i use elementor pro but i didn’t success to display the results of the search bar into the carousel post or slider post provided in elementor related plungins (HT, EA…)


    Given the way carousel post widgets/plugins tend to work (using JavaScript), I can see an implementation would need to be specially made, which is unlikely to happen in the near future, and it is not a commonly asked for feature, so would be a low priority, sorry.


    Ok i understand. Maybe is it possible to have access to other template in which we could plot the results (other than result.php)?


    I am not sure that I understand? Only the Shortcode display results method uses the results.php template file (and you can alternatively make a template file specific to one form by naming it after the ID of the for, e.g. 1234.php.

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