Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display a filter in Woocommerce shop sidebar

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  • Anonymous

    Hello. I’m confused. I simply wish to show a product filter in the sidebar of my Woocommerce page but I cannot seem to find out how to do it. It all looks as though this is based around a search form, whereas you demo shows Woocommerce ”widgets’.


    Okay, I’ve figure that bit out. There is now a widget in my Appearance section.

    I have a custom field, which is Age Range (age_range) which is assigned to numerous product variations.

    How do I display a list of the available Age Ranges in my search form/widget?


    Hi Trevor.

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I have managed to add the ACF to my ‘Search Form’ and added the widget to my shop but nothing appears on the front end.

    I did notice an info box on the plugin page that says Search results will only contain posts when caching has completed – Is this every time a new product is added that the cache will be rebuilt from scratch?


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