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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date Range Conditions

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  • Jonas Hoss

    I am facing a problem. I have built a filter that allows me to filter courses (climbing courses) by time range. The dates are set via ACF.

    However, there are also courses that do not have a fixed date and can be booked at any time. These are the so called private courses.

    I want to display these courses as well, even though they do not have a fixed date when a period is selected.

    Something like: Always show products, which have ACF Field = Privat Course while Daterange is selected.

    Is there a solution?

    Trevor Moderator

    If I understand you correctly, what you want is to show any course that matches the date range, PLUS any that don’t have a range?

    IF I got that right, I cannot think of a way to do this with the data as you currently have it, sorry.

    I think that, when we release V3 in the New Year, this will become possible.

    Jonas Hoss

    Yes. You understand right.

    Show course that matches range + course that have post meta value “course_private” AND “course_online”.

    It would be an awesome features for V3! 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry we could not help you now. Is it OK to close this thread for now?

    Jonas Hoss


    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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