Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Displaying results by Tags

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  • Anonymous

    Hi guys!

    I’d like to display results based on selected Tag in the same way I do based on Categories.

    Right now, if I click a Tag from the dropdown, it will show no results.

    If I type a Tag name inside the String search, it will display results but this is confusing for my visitors.

    Is there anything I could do to fix this behavior?

    Thank you!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Peter

    It looks like something in your setup is interfering with your results – the tag dropdown should work fine….

    In S&F, can you check the “tags, categories and taxonomies” tab, and clear any settings there, and also clear everything in the “post meta” tab – then test again?



    Hi Ross,

    Unfortunately I tried but that didn’t worked.

    I can’t filter any results by Tags and I’m not sure what’s wrong.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Peter

    It looks like something may be interfering with the S&F query.

    Can you:

    1) Rebuild the cache
    2) try disabling your other plugins temporarily to see if that helps
    3) Try switching themes (or in another environment, with your theme, and a WP one)

    It seems like there might be a pre_get_posts somewhere modifying the S&F query in relation to tags – so ensure you have no custom code that is being greedy with modifying queries.



    Hi Ross, I managed to fix it, the problem was on our end.

    I had to recreate a custom taxonomy for my custom post type and the filters started showing results.

    Thank you! This plugin is fantastic!

    Ross Moderator


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