Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search in “taxonomy” field issue displaying results

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  • Anonymous


    I’m having an issue with the search display results, specifically when filtered using the “Taxonomy” field. Up until this most recent update (which is giving an error and can’t be installed, but seems to have had an impact anyways) all of the search and filter results display in the same way as the original page. However, recently when filtering using this specific field it spits out the results in a completely different format than the rest of the filters. In this new results area, all of the other filter options disappear.

    How do I make it go back to the default way it was displaying?

    For reference the page can be seen here:

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    Are you using Anywhere Elementor for this content, as we made some changes in our extension plugin to support that plugin, in v1.0.6 of the extension (which you have). The guide for Elementor is here, and this link takes you directly to the new section on Anywhere Elementor:


    Hi Trevor,

    I’m not quite sure the link you provided is related this this specific issue. I don’t have anywhere elementor running on any part of that page.I tried to play around with the settings from that page but changing the query and settings as per the instructions results in “no results” being shown regardless of the filters.

    To be more clear, on the find-space page all of the filters work properly except for the “taxonomy” filter, which spits out the results in a different format and removes the search bar on the side.

    Is there a place where you set how the results are displayed? Can I have it default to all results displayed with the same template?

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    I edited the page to look at it again. The grid content is made with Anywhere Elementor widgets. See this screenshot:

    The way to use Anywhere Elementor with our plugin is to build a template in Anywhere Elementor and use the AE Post Block to include it on the page:

    It would have worked before because we had not added support for Anywhere Elementor in 1.0.5 or before of our extension. Now that we support it, you need to build the page this way, select your template like this:

    As far as I can see, this may need some rebuilding on your part, as the layout on the page in question is not a Template.

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