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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search and Filter Options Don't Work After Going to Page 2 of the Results

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  • Scott Janish


    I have a problem with the search features breaking once I click to page 2 of the results. If I try to change a search option or add one, the page doesn’t react to the change (doesn’t reload page or anything). Ajax search toggling didn’t seem to fix the problem for me.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Ross Moderator

    Do you have a link I could look at?

    Scott Janish

    Sure, if you click this link and change a search option (like pick a beer style) then navigate to page 2 of the results, then try to change another style of other filter):

    I’d also like to remove the quotations in the Search Results: “” page title if that’s at all possible.

    Thanks for you quick help!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Scott

    Are you using this for your WooCommerce shop?

    There is now a super easy way to integrate in 2.0 – just check here:

    Also, in 2.0, pagination has been rewritten which would likely solve this issue anyway 🙂


    Scott Janish

    Hey Ross,

    I actually tried installing the newer version and I was having lots of problems with it and had to rollback. None of the Post Meta filters would load. The site was extremely slow after the upgrade, even with the auto-count unchecked. Is there a way to fix my issue with the current version?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Scott

    I’m not sure of a quick fix for your version. But I’m aware the the new caching system doesn’t scale well when your talking about 10000+ posts – so what I’m going to do is add an option to completely disable the cache if required – this means you lose the auto count feature basically, but you can still run with the same speed as before.

    Once I’ve implemented this we can move forward.

    I’ll be starting work on this likely tomorrow.


    Scott Janish

    Very much appreciated, thanks!


    Hi Ross,

    Thanks for the recent update, the changes made are fantastic and really enhance the functionality of the plugin (especially the restructure of the checkbox code to allow for CSS3 checkbox styling :D)

    I just wanted to check in to see if you know when you were anticipating the release of the option to disable the cache?

    I seem to be having some problems currently in which not all posts are cached, and would like to be able to turn it off as I do not make use of the autocount feature.

    Thanks for your help


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Matt

    It should be this week – but its a tricky one.

    Whats actually going to happen is its not going to be completely disabled, it will be required for post meta, but it won’t be for taxonomies basically.

    Lets carry on over on your other ticket as you have a different issue really.



    Thanks Ross.

    Sounds like a plan, I’ll await any further info on the other ticket.


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