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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Related Taxonomy In Filter Form


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Arnaud de Berranger

    hi i need help in filters here

    i installed pro version and by default all filters is coming and working that is nyc but first issue is coming that i want to include only child terms of category in my first filter but not found any setting to do that actually we made a page where all parent terms is coming on click it goes to its detail page where all children is coming and on click any one of them we land on page where i used this plugin and want to set that child term in our form i know i can achieve this by passing

    in url but on filter i don’t want its parent terms i only want child terms in first filter see screenshot

    and second issue is that there are 4 more filters on this page where all terms are coming by default but what i want is relation with that parent term in first filter means i want to see only terms in filter which have selected that parent term in posts we already bought pro version but i not found any setting like that can you help me please to achieve my goal thanks in advance.

    Arnaud de Berranger
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    For the form and ALL filter fields, make sure you have these settings:

    In your screenshot:

    Can you annotate this image and send to me again, but use a red line to cross out the terms you do not want to see?

    Arnaud de Berranger

    Hey thnx Trevor for your reply i applied your setting and second issue is solved now filters coming according to term i selected thats what i want but now first issue is remaining can you please help me to solved it out i am sharing you screenshot which you asked

    these underline terms are parent terms i don’t want these terms i only want child terms like “Gamme Index Dental”,”Gamme Index Dental Second”,”Equipements” etc.

    Arnaud de Berranger

    Hey Trevor one more issue is coming after applied your setting that label is coming if it not have any term so how can i hide it if there is no term under this filter so that it looks good see screenshot

    here Filter 4 and Filter 5 have no terms so i need to hide this label too if there is no term present can you please help me how i can sort it out.

    Arnaud de Berranger

    can you do please update on it please, too urgent for me?

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    To remove the red lined items, you need this custom CSS:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4548"] .sf-field-taxonomy-product_category .sf-level-0 > .sf-input-checkbox,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4548"] .sf-field-taxonomy-product_category .sf-level-0 > .sf-label-checkbox {
        display: none;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4548"] ul li.sf-field-taxonomy-product_category > ul > li {
        padding: 0;

    As to the remove empty fields, I have no solution for that sorry. It may be something we will add in V3 (not due for some months yet), I am not sure.

    It might be possible to do this with custom JavaScript, that checks if the field is empty, but I do not know how that would be done and have no snippets to share.

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