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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Related/Locked Taxonomy Terms or Custom Fields

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  • Salomon Acuña


    Here is my problem: I’m doing a filter bar for a really big inventory (2000+ products). The store is selling spare parts so we have to be able to filter and search trough this kind of syntax:

    – Brand
    – Model
    – Year
    – Type of spare part

    I was able to achieve this with custom taxonomies related to the products custom post type and the general functionality of the plugin.

    Now the issue is that a lot of these products have multiple of these terms that not necessary apply to each other, for example:

    Brand A
    – Model A
    – Year 1, 2, 3, 4
    – Model B
    – Year 5, 6, 7, 8

    As is configured right now all the terms applied for the product but I need to exclude certain taxonomies related to specific taxonomies. How can I achieve this? I have seem online that maybe I have to change the “Year taxonomy” to a custom field but I’m not able to see how to related each custom field to a specific “Model taxonomy” (the problem persist).

    Is there a way I can achieve this with Search & Filter Pro?

    Trevor Moderator

    You can have it work so that, as you select a Brand, only the Model, Year and Type of spare part for that Brand will show.

    If you then select a Model, then only the Year and Type of spare part for that Brand and Year will show.

    To do this, in the General Setting tab, set Auto Count (both settings) to ON

    And then in the Form UI:

    In each field set Hide Empty set to ON

    Salomon Acuña

    Yes, I was able to achieve that but the problem is that 1 product can have multiple years but depending of the model some years apply and others not.

    Right now if somebody look for a part ALL the years are taken as valid for that part but I need that depending on the specific model some years apply and not others.

    To visually explain this I will try make a map:

    Right Now:

    Brand 1
    Model 1
    Model 2
    Year 1
    Year 2
    Year 3
    Year 4
    Year 5
    Year 6

    All this apply indistinct to the product

    What I need:

    Brand 1
    – Model 1
    – Year 1
    – Year 2
    – Year 3
    – Model 2
    – Year 4
    – Year 5
    – Year 6

    I need to filter the products depending to some kind of relationship between model and year that exclude other terms. What I don’t know how to do is that relationship or exclusion of terms.

    But all these happens in the product, to 1 product. The obvious solution is to duplicate the products but for the size of the inventory, that is simply not practical.

    Trevor Moderator

    I understand. That our plugin cannot do at this time. One reason is that WordPress does not enforce referential integrity in the database (SQL is not designed that way).

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