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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multiple filters

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Frédéric de Lavenne

    I need to set up a filter system for the following case:
    I have a series of articles relating to hotels and destinations for which I set up a form using the following filters (taxonomies):

    – Destination
    – Capacity: more than 100 Rooms / – than 100 Rooms
    – Meeting spaces: Yes / No
    – Location: Urban, Countryside or resort

    I need to be able to find references of hotel or destination by activating one or the other filters or several at the same time.

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Are you able to further describe the problem (what does not work), maybe giving me some example searches to make?

    Frédéric de Lavenne

    I did it like this, it works but I’m sure it’s not the best solution. What I would like to set up would rather be something like this: (a sidebar with a full multi-filter system

    Trevor Moderator

    You can, of course, add filters to the search, as long as you have a different source of meta data (terms) for each of them. At the moment, you have only a custom taxonomy named categoriesignature.

    You add can custom fields (Post Meta) or other taxonomies.

    As to the sidebar question, that is dependent on your theme, or page builder, and this is not something that comes within the scope of our support.

    I can see that the form you have currently has some alignment issues with the radio buttons and checkboxes, which may require further custom CSS to align correctly.

    In the main, our form is relatively unstyled, leaving it to the user to add their own style using custom CSS in the theme custom CSS panel, or the WordPress Customizer (and there are other methods for importing CSS to a site).

    Frédéric de Lavenne

    Thank you very much for your intervention.
    I have now fully understood the diagram and it works ( Thank you very much for the speed and clarity of your response. I just have to add the missing taxonomies and add CSS so that it is correctly formatted
    Thanks again

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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