Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can you override the query PHP template?


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  • Anonymous

    Is there a way to override the query PHP template like there is for showing customized results? Overriding the results with <form ID>.php in my child theme worked out perfectly and looks great, and now I’m trying to to see if something similar can be done with the query without having to write a lot of PHP code from scratch or a lot of CSS to completely change the current HTML layout.

    I imagine it can be done all in custom PHP, but starting from scratch is a little daunting as PHP in WordPress is still pretty new to me.


    I am not sure I understand what you mean by ‘override the query PHP template’? Could you explain in more detail?

    What Display Results Method are you using in the form design?


    Sorry I was a little vague, I meant I was wondering if you can override the Search Form UI PHP code in a similar way the Search Results UI can be overridden. I’m using shortcode for the Display Results Method.


    Ah, I see. You want either to change the HTML, add to the HTML, or change the appearance (CSS)?

    Changing the HTML could break the form. Add to the HTML, using JavaScript, might work, but again it might break the form. The form has only basic CSS, so that can be added.


    Yeah, CSS is what I’m doing right now, but UI functionality like grouping categories, showing what category is selected and having specific categories show by themselves in another location are making CSS a little messy. I wasn’t sure about adjusting HTML and if it would break any of the S&F event handlers, but I’ll try that since that sounds more elegant than what I’m doing now. Thanks!


    OK, I will wait to hear back from you.


    Thanks for your help Trevor, I ended up creating a separate filter UI in Elementor with matching category names and with Javascript had clicks on those Elementor text fields relay a JQuery click onto the filter UI category radio buttons. Being able to use Elementor to put the Filter UI together sped things up quite a bit.


    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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