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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search form stopped working. Possibly cache issue?

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  • Moe Finigan

    My search had been working fine yesterday. Today I made a few changes, then removed those changes but I cannot get this to work again:
    You will see the $query_args because I am dumping them from the edit query args filter(shown below)
    These query_args don’t seem to match what the search is set up to do. I have a CPT called Poetry Node with ACFs poet_name and poem_name and 6 kinds of node_resources(these act like categories). I have the relationship set to OR in the general settings of the Search form, query_args below say AND. Id of search is 119. Results are As an Archive using index.php. It was working but earlier today I made a duplicate of this search retaining only the poet_name in the form – everything else was the same (except the searchId). I have since deleted that Search form but I’m wondering if that messed something up. I have rebuilt the cache. I’m stumped.

    function ffp_edit_query_args( $query_args, $sfid ) {
    	//if search form ID = 225, the do something with this query
    	echo "<pre>";
    		echo "</pre>";
    	//if($sfid==204) /* poem_name search */
    		//modify $query_args here before returning it
    		//$query_args['somearg'] = 'newvalue';
    		echo "<pre>";
    		echo "</pre>";
    	return $query_args;
    add_filter( 'sf_edit_query_args', 'ffp_edit_query_args', 20, 2 );
    Trevor Moderator

    I know the search form ID is commented out, but the ID of the form on the page is 119, not 204?

    Moe Finigan

    Yes it’s 119. 204 was the id of the search form I duplicated from 119. But I since have deleted form 204.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Moe Finigan
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    Moe Finigan
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    Moe Finigan
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    Moe Finigan
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    Moe Finigan
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    Trevor Moderator
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