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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Position form after search and content form

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  • Cristina Morbidoni

    on site i do not understand how to fix the issue related to the search on page

    After to have seleceted a filed happen that the ajax search move the posizition of screen under the result so user MUST scroll up to see the results.

    Other thing is that on the form above the search form (where i show all content) i see some products that i do not want to show (for example categories bibite and birre etc) also if i’ve excluded from query

    Cristina Morbidoni
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Cristina Morbidoni
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    Cristina Morbidoni

    Now the site is on line and users have the problem of posistion of form after search omn .
    Do you haveidea on how to fix it ?
    is there a way to can not show any product on the form until i select a field on the search form above?

    Ross Moderator
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    Cristina Morbidoni
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    Cristina Morbidoni

    I think that bug’s caused from JS scroll that jump/move uncorrectly so can be a good work around to deactive it so to try remove the problem and hoping that work

    Cristina Morbidoni
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    Cristina Morbidoni
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