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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customizing Results

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  • prandam


    Just bought the Pro version, I think the filtering capabilities are great. I was wondering if one could find custom templates (for usual usage like the one in your website) to use and edit. I’m working with the shortcode but I can’t even put the results in two columns. Any resource where we could see this in more detail? like actual php files with multiple columns or other styles?

    Thanks a lot.


    I’m using Kadence Theme Pro and Blocks Pro (in case that’s relevant). I just need to show my results in two or three columns (with thumbnail, title and excerpt). I can manage the additional styling. Thanks for any hint!

    Austin Hamilton

    I’m looking to do the same thing. The documentation says to modify a file in the child theme, but I don’t think that’s right. Maybe the documentation is out of date? Is there a preferred method for customizing results?

    Austin Hamilton

    To expand on my setup, I am using Generate Press and looking for a way to have a custom results template.

    Trevor Moderator

    The output, style, layout and appearance of results is handled by your theme, theme archive templates (if your theme uses them), or page builder plugin/functions.

    As this varies enormously from site to site, it is not practical to try to make universal examples for you to use.

    The simple way to produce a post grid is to use this method:

    If you have standard versions of WPBakery Page Builder or Elementor pro, we have extensions and guides for them:

    If you are considering using a Page Builder plugin, but have not yet purchased one, the more flexible (powerful) choice might be Elementor Pro, but your circumstances may dictate otherwise, so please research before making any decisions, as there are many options to choose from.


    Hi! I’m looking for more code/PHP templating. Is there any files for two or three column results that we could build upon?

    Thanks for any help.

    Trevor Moderator

    There are not, sorry.


    But the search.php isn’t a template file where we can customize the structure and layout of the results?

    By the way, where I need to put the search.php? I put in the child-theme/search-filter folder but I always get the “The custom template file search.php cannot be found” message. Is there any example of search.php that I could use as a start template?

    Maybe I’m missing something here (is there a more detailed tutorial or examples for custom templates?) thanks a lot for your help.

    Trevor Moderator

    Prandam, if the Kadence Theme Pro is a Framework theme (I am not familiar with this theme) then using the ‘As an Archive’ and ‘Post Type Archive’ display results methods may not work for you. This is because many ‘framework’ themes use complex structures of PHP files to create the pages, and do not work in the ‘standard’ WordPress manner (per the WordPress Codex, which uses relatively simple archive template files, such as search.php and archive.php, which can be (are designed/intended to be) modified/modifiable by the user). Thus we find it difficult to hook in to the results query and loop, to control the results shown.

    For such complex themes as perhaps Kadence Pro is, you would need to use a Page Builder or Grid Builder plugin to create the search/results page. If you want to code things yourself, you can use our Shortcode method, as it uses a simple results.php template that you can edit/customize (but you may need the help of a third party coder):

    Some free page builders (such as SiteOrigin) can sometimes also be made to work, using much the same method as described here for the most likely solution that you might use (a free grid builder plugin):

    We also support the much more powerful and very popular Elementor Pro page builder premium (paid) plugin:

    Plus we support others like WPBakery Page Builder and Beaver Builder. Some others may also be supported in some way, but ask before committing to using any others.


    Thanks a lot! this is very helpful.
    Kadence works well with the Archives. I’ll check results.php.

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