Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to display only the promotions of a site

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  • Anonymous

    Thank you for your extension, all is well, I would just like to be able to display only the articles which are in promotion on the shop.
    (So all items that have a special price)
    I can’t find a solution
    Thank you in advance for your reply


    Are the special prices being stored in a field named _sale_price?

    If an item is NOT on sale, it should NOT have a value in the _sale_price field. In fact, that product should not have a record for that meta key, so, in the Post Meta conditions settings tab, you can use the ‘exists’ operator. Of course, in order to be able to do this, you must have at least one product on sale, otherwise the meta key will not appear in the list of keys to use:

    I think that should work.



    Thank you for your reply,
    But that’s not exactly it.
    The promo is a special action on an item
    (proposed price lower than the sale price).

    See on my website

    I cannot find in the taxomany a field corresponding to “special price” so that I can say display all the articles which have a special price.
    I wanted to send you a picture, but I don’t see the option ..

    thank you in advance

    Jean Pierre

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    Thank you, it works very well, but like the other options I would like to have a menu with for example the PROMO: YES / NO
    I will try again, I do not know your program well yet




    With the current version of the plugin, it is not possible to convert those conditions as a Yes/No option in the form. This is likely to become possible in V3, due in a few months.


    Thank you,
    But too bad, well I’ll wait…

    B. Regard.



    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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