Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Bug on filter


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  • Anonymous

    I am using Search filter with elementor and ACF.
    When the filter is displayed most of the fields are displayed correctly.
    But some not:
    See the screenshot below
    Here is the page where the filter and the result appear.
    Can you tell me how to fix it
    Thanks for your help


    When selecting the meta key, note a ‘gotcha’ with ACF ….

    … it makes 3 meta keys per field, like this (in this example for a field named ‘land’):

    #1 _land
    #2 field_52f0fc4334f52
    #3 land

    In our Meta Key selection list, you need to use key #3, without the underscore at the start of the key name. If you choose #1 by mistake, in the field choices you will see the name of #2.

    The key name for you field will ONLY appear after you have stored data terms to a post using that custom field.

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