Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro h4 to h2


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  • Anonymous


    I want to change search form headings from h4 to h2 for accessibility reasons.

    I know that you are working with accessibility for the next version, but if there is a simple way to do that change I would be grateful.



    At the moment, this is not possible from within the plugin, as you have found already. You might be able to use JavaScript to do this, but h2 is not really appropriate for lesser titles like this. h2 is supposed to be used for major sections in pages, with h1 for page titles. h3 is for sub sections of those major sections and side (sidebar or asides) section headers, and h4 and down for other minor elements and sub sections in side sections.

    What is the accessibility need that you have for h2?


    Thanks for quick reply!

    perhaps I have understood something wrong. I want my search form right after page title and my validator says “This document contains an <h4> tag directly following an <h1>. In order to maintain a consistent outline of the page for assistive technologies, reduce the gap in the heading level by upgrading this tag to an <h2>.”.

    This is not a big issue. I just thought if there is an easy way to change it and i just haven’t noticed.


    Ah, OK. I think you will be able to change them when V3 comes out in a few months. Is it OK to close this thread for now?


    Yes this sounds good and you can close this. Thank you for excellent support!

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