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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Randomise on Load?


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  • Matthew Wall

    Hi guys!

    I’ve got a custom archive template for a specific form set-up, with shortcodes to display the search form and the results on a specific page.

    I know there’s an option to display search results in random order, but I’m wondering how I would go about randomising the default view on load, if that’s possible?


    Trevor Moderator

    If you are using our shortcode method, then even the unfiltered results will have that random order set. But beware.

    The ‘random’ order that WordPress provides is PER PAGE of results, thus some posts may (and likely will) be repeated on many pages.

    This is how WordPress does it, sorry.

    Matthew Wall

    Thanks for coming back to me Trevor

    At the moment I’m using the Shortcode method to display the form and results, and am using a custom template (using the form ID) to display the results.

    It is unfortunately not randomising.

    This particular search form is being used to display & search team members from a CPT I’ve set up with a filter at the top to search by name or job title, with a dropdown form for which country the team member is based out of.

    To add – pagination won’t be an issue as we’re opting to show all 300~ results on the one page.

    Any ideas on how to get it randomising?


    Trevor Moderator
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