Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Responsive form behaviour


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  • Anonymous

    Hello, is there any way that a form with a specific is behaves differently based on resolution?

    I would like to have a form trigger a search on change on desktops while I would like to trigger the search via button in mobile devices.

    The alternative will be to have a cloned form and change behaviour but will be really difficult to maintain since I am going to have tens of forms.


    What you want is not currently possible sorry. Also, having a cloned form will potentially be an issue, as doing this (having more than one instance of the same form, or even multiple different forms) will mean that they don’t work together and often will conflict with each other. Just be aware that this is possible, so if you have problems with the results not working, that might be why. Normally, we suggest only one form instance on the results page.

    You CAN have the two forms on any page other than the results page.

    We are making some changes around this for V3, due in a few months.


    …when I was talking about a cloned form, I don’t mean replicating a form with the same ID in the same page, but rather cloning from the admin and using two different SFID forms.

    It would be cool to have a workaround in V3!


    I understood you to mean that, but my reply was not so clear. Two different forms on the same results page will likely conflict with other.

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