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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Choose which kinds of pages S&F will try to do this on

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  • Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    Hi Ross.

    Option: Choose which kinds of pages S&F will try to do this on – Tag, Category & Taxonomy Archives

    When I open this page:

    Why filter show displays Elysium (1)? Elysium is not present in this category-1. Как скрыть пустые термины, когда я открываю страницу?

    Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    As hide the empty terms when I open the page?

    Ross Moderator

    I think you spotted some kind of bug – can you Rebuild the Cache and let me know what happens?


    Rozhnov Vyacheslav
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Ahhh I see the issue.

    It because the auto count is not working on your category archive pages? But it begins to work on the Search & filter results page – is that correct?

    In this case, its because this feature (detect defaults) doesn’t yet support this – I will add this functionality in for sure as it would be nice, but because it is new feature there will always be some room for improvement.


    Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    When can add this functionality?

    Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    It because the auto count is not working on your category archive pages? But it begins to work on the Search & filter results page – is that correct?


    In this case, its because this feature (detect defaults) doesn’t yet support this – I will add this functionality in for sure as it would be nice, but because it is new feature there will always be some room for improvement.

    I did not understand. When you add this feature?

    Ross Moderator

    I am looking to add it to the next update, but time is difficult right now – many changes/fixes need to be done because of the 2.0 release – this is one of them.

    When I get an idea of time I will let you know.


    Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    Hi Ross. Really need this function. When it is possible to expect?

    Ross Moderator

    I’m really not sure of the timelines right now – but it will likely be added to the next release.


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