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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Load results using Ajax – pagination error: cached page 1 under correct results

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  • lgfgrafica

    I have a strange problem if I use the “Load results using Ajax” option: when I go to page two or previous, at the bottom of the correct results under the pagination there are also the results of page 1.
    If I examine the HTML code the “cached page 1” does not exist and if I refresh the page it disappears.

    I used the “shortcode” method, the theme is custom and the template from which I started from result.php, the error exists even without the application of any filter.
    There are no cache plug-ins. I have cloned the site on 2 different servers and tested from different browsers with no positive results.
    Other notes: Wordpres 5.4.2, PHP 7.1.

    Can you help me?

    I can only provide accesses and codes in private mode: it is the project for a client.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Trevor,
    after many hours and double-checking everything I solved the problem: I had inserted an error in a last minute edit on result.php.
    Since the structure could be seen correctly on all browsers and devices, I ruled out that the error was in the structure of the single result.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, thanks for your assistance.
    Great plug-in!

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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