Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Anywhere Elementor Pro

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Ross.
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  • Anonymous

    Hi there.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but is your plugin no longer compatible with Anywhere Elementor Pro.

    Im sure I have had this working on an old site – but i am coming it up using the shortcodes and its suddenly not filtering my post?



    I have not tested it with that third party plugin, but you now need to also use a new extension we have for Elementor Pro, which you can download (if you are logged in) from the guide page (which shows how it should be used, which is different to how we used to integrate with Elementor Pro):


    Hi Trevor

    I used to copy and paste the short code for the filter itself on my CPT archive page. Then cope and paste some short code that was something like “filter_next_query” above the listing boxes. It would then work.

    I have tried this way, and also with the plugin – but its just not filtering my boxes.

    The filter appears, its detecting my Taxonomies. I can click the radio buttons. The screen flashes but it doesn’t seem to filter the actual posts.



    Are you making the posts part as the anywhere template, but putting the form in the page template/setup?

    I think our plugin is now setup to have the posts block on the page itself, and not in a template, sorry.

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    Ross Moderator

    Hi Rob

    We’ve just added offiical support for Anywhere Elementor in the beta of our Elementor Extension, you can try it here:

    You set it up just the same as the other Elementor widgets, by following the instructions here:
    So in “Post Type” dropdown, you will see “Search & Filter Query”, you must also set S&F display method to “Elementor Post / Product / Portfolio Widget” as per the docs.

    Please let me know if that works out ok for you?


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