Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search results not for area that contains searched term


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  • Anonymous

    I am having an issue with the returned results. The results are only showing the beginning of the posts, instead of showing the section of the post that contains the searched terms. Am I missing a setting somewhere?


    If you mean that the results contain the standard excerpt, and that is always the first xx words or characters, that is standard for WordPress. Some search systems (in some themes and post grid plugins) do return to part of the content that contains the search word, but our our plugin. I believe it is a feature of Relevanssi for example, but we do not yet support that feature of Relevanssi (something we plan to address after we release V3 in a few months), but that may be many months away yet before we look to improve that support for Relevanssi.


    oh wow, that is not great, we really need to get the actual results in the returned text.


    The issue is that our plugin does not have control over the content of the results, only the posts that appear. For the text search, our plugin passes this to WordPress to handle, and WordPress passes back the matching Post IDs, which, if other filters have been used in the form, are then further filtered by our plugin, but our plugin only passes to the software handling the output of the results the list of Post IDs that match. It does not pass the actual filters being used (such as the searched for text).

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