Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search bar loads before I end typing my word


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  • Anonymous

    When a user types in the search bar, it starts loading immediately after a single letter is typed.

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    The autosubmit delay can be a little sensitive, but cannot be adjusted in the current version of our plugin, sorry.

    For now, the best thing to do is diable Auto Submit in the form settings, and add a Submit button to the form. I think we may make the timing adjustable in the next major release (V3), but that will be a few months away yet.

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    Ah, see this video:

    Does that help explain?

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    OK, so go to your WordPress Admin. Look down the left hand (dark) menu and find Search & Filter. Open that (click the Search & Filter heading), and you should see the list of forms you made. Assuming you made only one, click it to edit.

    You should now be seeing the General settings tab of the form. That should match what you see in my video.


    Hi Trevor

    thank you that helps. Now how do I save it once I put the submit button down there?


    On the right hand side of the form design, is a meta box with a blue Update button. That is the save.

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