Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search option not working with Polylang, alternate languages

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  • Anonymous

    I have been trying to get this right with not much success, please help.

    We have set up our website in 3 languages using Polylang (English, Spanish, Portuguese) at:

    Our blog option and posts are translated into all 3 languages as well.
    When I “search” using your plugin in English, it works.
    But when I transfer to Spanish or Portugeuse, the search results do not produce anything.

    Can you please advise why this is happening, and how to fix it?
    Select “BLOG” under “Categories” option as criteria, and see what I mean.

    Also, how to center the form on page and make space between fields smaller? 
    Thank you.

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    Amazing. Thank you very much.

    There’s just a few more things I’d like to understand first…

    1 – on the homepage, how can I center the search bar and make the spaces smaller in between each box?

    2 – How can I remove the text from the search results? (Tags, categories and date)

    Thanks again for your help.

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