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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Hoverable Dropdown

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  • Alvin Chau


    I need a Hoverable Dropdown in my search form instead of click. Can you help to implement this feature in my form.


    Trevor Moderator

    You will need to make some changes.

    Go to wp-admin -> Search & Filter -> Settings -> Combobox Script

    Change this from Chosen to Select2 – we’re dropping support for Chosen in v3, because it has too many issues on mobile.

    Next, in the form field settings, select the combobox option for each.

    Then, you will need to add a script to enable hover. There is no fixed way to do this, so this is the best generic solution I can find:

    $(document).on('mouseenter', '.select2-container', function(e) {
    $(document).on('mouseleave', '.select2-container .select2-dropdown', function(e) {
        var selectId = $(this).find("ul").attr('id').replace("select2-", "").replace("-results", "");

    You would most likely use a plugin to add the script:

    I have not tested this, so it might need some fine tuning.

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